Here We Go / How You Can Help

this is perhaps, thus far, the most important update i’ve posted. it is also the longest. but it includes answers to questions that have long been asked, and rarely addressed. if you’re in this with us, grab a tasty libation (or a popsicle), settle in, and read through to the end. there are no prizes, just the promise of a clearer grasp on where we are and how you can help. and it starts here:

the day has come: monday morning (4/23), i will rise from my bed, kiss my bride, brush my teeth (in that order), and send my boys to school, all for the last time, as the original me. this neatly knit package of protons and neutrons, this delicate dance of DNA, is coming undone. literally the core of who i am as a body (i do not merely have a body, i am a body) is broken, barely holding up against the effects of the fall of man.

we cannot live this way forever. we wouldn’t want to. our efforts to subvert the brokenness in ourselves are themselves broken, imperfect. it was the cure for one disease that was the cause of the other, and this other one will do me in; it will kill me; unless i am made brand new.

so jeremy 2.0 is in the works.

this past monday (4/16), technicians at the U took from the freezer one of two soon-to-be-mine cord-blood units, and they’ve been stirring it up, prepping the stem-cells since, propagating them for MY transplant with a “first-in-human” trial compound, made and paid for by Novartis.

my admission monday will be just a day short of six months from the first sign of my disease – when my counts crashed and i came in exhausted, beset by a virus i couldn’t fend off with my own white cells.

because i hardly had any.

this thing we’re going into; this hematopoietic allogeneic myeloablative transplant – specifically the myeloablative part – is a big deal. there are significant risks. a more common word that carries the same implications as myeloablative would be helpful here, and it is good for us that we have one, and kind of quirky that it sounds so similar:


the old me, my old marrow, must die; it must be completely wiped out; it must be obliterated. the disease isn’t upon my marrow, it’s not even in it; the disease is my marrow, or better: my marrow is the disease.

the core of me is treasonous. it has turned on the rest of me in an act of self-sabotage. but don’t i look good? didn’t my counts rebound? recent blood work has revealed the disease is reasserting itself, and my counts are once again receding. this will kill me if left unaddressed, and quickly.

i’m not trying to give myself a pep talk.

or maybe i am. it’s hard to do what i am about to do. yes, people do it. we know those who have. yes, people live through it, and my odds aren’t that bad (when odds are against us, what do we say: what do the odds matter? right?).

but i needed to remind myself that this whole thing – and i remember what it’s like being sick; i quake at the recollection of it; cower in anticipation – this whole thing is to save my life, not to put it at risk.

i needed six months to get that. God, thank you for the delays.

now, on with the blasted thing. where’s my cross?

my first day at the U, i get my central line placed; a catheter with two ports that leads directly into an artery just above my heart. within a few hours of installing my “pipes” they will be used to administer the first of three days of high dose chemotherapy.

three days, and only two chemos: fludarabine and cytoxan (changing the i to an a in cytoxan does not hide the fact that it is what it is: a toxin, and nasty). i had nine different chemo drugs years ago, cytoxan was one of them; and i had them in high doses. fludarabine is new, but the two of them together, for three days, will be enough, because they will be given in such high doses (please be praying against nausea. i hate nausea).

my old me will be laid low, my marrow unable to make new cells. a day of rest after those three is written into the schedule. one day to honor the passing of the old me.

for some transplants, the transplant happens here, or after another few days of chemo. for an obliterating, i mean, myeloablative transplant, there are four more days of . . . preparation.

on day five, i begin four days of total body irradiation, where, twice a day, they’ll set me up in a big microwave (i can watch DVDs), set the timer for 30 minutes, and give me the equivalent of a trip to the outer atmosphere, without a space suit. i think i will try to imagine it as basking in the penetrating light of the sun from somewhere on the far side of mercury. or, perhaps, sitting in the shekinah glory of God, exposing and obliterating any evil in me, burning it away like chaff, or dross in the refiner’s fire. the crucible. this is the crucible.

ah, all to be sure the old me is as good as gone.

please sit with me with that for a moment; my insides, my core, my marrow for 36 years, done.

totally helpless now. at the mercy of God. no different from any day, i guess; but it’s hard to imagine as i write this. my life will then depend on two little bags of cord blood, and the brand new stem cells in them, brimming with life, ready to build a brand new me from the inside out.

either they do exactly that, or they don’t.

(now you know how to pray)

if God wills, i will have a new birthday on the first of may.

it could be said i’ll have another on the second, as i receive the second unit of cord-blood on the next day. the first? or the second? one doctor told me it may take six months to decide; by then we should know which unit, which DNA, “took.”

throughout this time, and for several weeks beyond the transplant, i’ll have no immune system; and then for months afterwards, i’ll have a baby immune system (i’ll actually have to get all my immunizations over again, ah, the controversy). i will be susceptible to infections, and i have been told i will for sure spike a fever. our prayers then are that the prophylactic measures taken to head off the worst of the infections would be effective, and that those i do get would be of the milder sort, not attacking my lungs or my heart, and quickly resolved.

i share these requests for prayer aware of the fact that God is not a vendor. he’s not a computer we program with our prayers to do certain things. we believe he is a person, he’s involved; he’s a king, and he reigns; he’s a storyteller, and he’s telling a story with our lives; making stories of each of our lives, and for each other; lives and persons and stories that are meant to communicate something of his heart and nature to everyone else.

so many of you have given me an angle from which to see God that would’ve been unknown to me if not for you; in that letter you wrote, your status updates, that meal you made, that check you sent, that year at school, that night i stayed at your place, that book you told me about, that movie, that music, that dinner we shared, that concert you gave, that story you told, your face, your laughter, your questions, your mind, your marriage, your art, your humor, your life, your work, your success, your comeback/recovery, your family, your home, parenting, gardening, your love for peace, for the God who sees us, your love for me, and your love for Jesus.

and thank you for being a part of our story now; in being there, “out there,” somewhere; because somehow, sometimes, out there feels like right here.

many of you have asked over the past six months how you can help; how you can be more present to us in this time. forgive our silence on this matter. we’ve given it much thought, holding off in the knowledge that there’d come a time when we’d need your help more desperately then we did then. that time is now.

more than anything else, we will continually need your prayers. for those of you in the practice of praying, and for those who perhaps, like me, want occasion to practice, i cannot say enough how your prayers on our behalf make a difference in our being able to bear up under the weight of these difficult days.

the strain is significant. but it is remarkable how the mere knowledge of prayers being prayed changes how we feel, not so much the how, but the how much, of whatever it is we’re feeling. it’s the intensity that gets dialed down, just by knowing we are being prayed for.

your one-word responses to my tweets and status updates, praying or praying right now, dial down our anxiety, for we are surrounded by men and angels who hold us up before God in a continual plea for his intervening work, and God always responds to the prayers of his people.

intercessors, lamenters, doubting toms, and faith-filled people: there are a great many ways to pray for us, and there are a great many people praying, but don’t think for a moment that your prayers are any less important because of it. in fact, if you think your prayers are less important (perhaps because you doubt they’ll make a difference), they’re probably exactly the prayers God is prompting you to pray. so please, pray for me and my family, each in your own way.

lastly, pertaining to prayer, we need your kids praying for our kids, and we need our kids to know about it. it does our boys a great deal of good to know there are other kids praying for them. we know this because a few of you have had your kids communicate as much to them, and they are braver for it. they’re not alone.

so, however you want to go about that, the sum of it is this: continue to let us know that you’re praying for us, and pray as though your prayers really matter. because they do.

now finally, if you’ve been wanting and waiting to find out what we need practically, here are the details:

1) finances: a quick glimpse at the setting would be good. i’ve no doubt there are some of you who wonder how we pay our bills to begin with, knowing of no particular job now held by either of us.

since roughly the time of my first cancer, we’ve had essentially four avenues of provision: social security/disability, a private benefactor/patron, other ministry income/supporters, and gifts. between the first three, we are nearly able to cover what essentially amounts to our fixed monthly expenses, which would utterly put us under otherwise.

i’ve been on disability since 2006. before then, i’d paid so little into social security (starving artist, youth work, 10 years) that there really wasn’t much there for us to draw from, but it helps. (16%)

our primary provision comes by way of a private benefactor whose contributions are both charity and the backing of a ministry that he believes in. (58%)

ministry income, on the other hand, would come from concert offerings, honorariums, any studio fees and CD sales. i’m unable to do much in this regard at present, so we don’t have that income. what we do have is a handful of friends who commit to $100-200 per month for 12-month periods at a time. (16%)

gifts would include one-time donations (sometimes submitted to a benefit fund set up for us at emmaus lutheran church in bloomington – see details below), and help from family members covering the more costly necessities like cars, car maintenance, and home appliances. this is also where some of you may come in. more in a moment.

vocationally, jen was in her last year of nursing school when she was told to quit to be my fulltime caregiver. and i think it’s safe to say that any vocational intentions i had six-months ago have been suspended indefinitely.

so, for the time being, this is where we are.

(i need to hand the reigns of this over to jen for a while, for believe it or not, i’ve spent the better part of two days writing what you’ve read thus far. pages have been discarded, much rewritten, in order to say exactly what i wanted to say. such exactitude is no longer affordable on my part; my back and bottom hurt to the point of distraction, my hands too tired to continue. and it’s getting late; it’s saturday night, i need to put the boys to bed, and i have yet to pack… i’ve given jen the bullet points, and it could be said she’s better qualified than i am to write what follows. my notes as post scripts will be added in italics…i’ll wrap up at the end…)

a) day care / preschool for jo isaac:

When I began nursing school last fall, we found a fantastic in-home day care/preschool for Jo Isaac (3 years old) just one block from our home. We had committed ourselves to this necessity for the one year I had left of nursing school, and we were able to acquire a student loan to pay for his tuition. When it became clear I could no longer continue nursing school in this circumstance (and would thus no longer receive the loan), we decided to keep Jo Isaac in the daycare, knowing we’d need him cared for while Jeremy was in transplant, and again throughout his recovery when it is necessary for me to take on the role of primary caregiver. This will provide me with the freedom to be with Jeremy during the day when all three boys are in school, and, once Jeremy returns home, will allow our youngest (and busiest) consistent play time with friends during the times I will have to be wholly dedicated to caring for Jeremy. This costs us about $800 per month, and a generous giver committed an amount covering three months. We are one month into that. If you would like to contribute to this financial need in particular, please send your gift to the benefit fund (see address below).

b) increased prescription costs / various medical bills

Our understanding is that once Jeremy is inpatient, all his costs are covered, but once back home, we’ll incur lofty prescription costs and other additional medical bills. We had a taste of what that may be like from these past few months, and it’s substantial. Again, if you’d like to contribute to addressing our medical expenses, please send your gift to the benefit fund.

c) groceries and home goods and gas

If you’d like to help practically with these needs, places we commonly visit are Cub Foods, Target, Holiday or BP gas stations. Gas cards will help a lot as I’ll be making daily trips back and forth from the hospital for as much as three months.

2) meals / food tidings

Many of you who live locally have offered to provide meals for us – thank you. It’s been wonderful. Our church, CityLife, has set up a meal schedule for us online, and it can be used by anyone. Click on the link here if this is a way you would like to help:


3) fun / gift cards

 i guess this one’s mine… amazon gift cards for books and such, itunes gift cards, star wars legos (for my boys…or me…a great way to pass the time during their visits), and lastly, i’m in want of good music gifts or recommendations (classical and especially good jazz)… back to jen:

When things are tight financially, it’s difficult to spend on the fun things, rightfully so. Although these things are not necessities, gifts for leisure and entertainment (good distractions) are a taste of God’s grace for us.

4) edification : good sermons, scripture references, cards

            emails, websites, links, good podcasts…but little holds a candle to a good card…our address will be found below…

5) visitors : setup, guidelines, expectations

We understand that many of you who are local may want to visit Jeremy during this time. If you are interested in a visit, we are asking that you please contact his brother Patrick at least one day in advance so that we can be sure that it’s at an appropriate time and that Jeremy’s capable of having company in his room. He will be in an isolation room his entire stay, which does not allow for many visitors at a time. We ask that you please contact Patrick a couple days in advance via email (, give him your phone number(s), the day(s) and time(s) preferred, and he will be in contact with you within 24 hours with a response. Patrick will be in constant communication with us regarding Jeremy’s condition and he’ll be able to keep visitors coming and going on a predictable basis, making sure Jeremy has adequate time to rest. Please understand that if you are scheduled for a visit, we may have to cancel it for any number of reasons. We ask that you contact Jeremy or Jen an hour before you’re scheduled to arrive (if you don’t have our numbers they will be provided you in a confirmation email), just to make sure that nothing has changed. Also, please remember you cannot come at all if you have symptoms of illness of any kind, or if anyone in your household has any symptoms, or if you know you’ve been exposed to any illness. Jeremy’s immune system will be in a critical state almost his entire stay, with one of his greatest risks being infection. You’re part in keeping him well there is greatly appreciated.

okay. thank you my love. perfect.

a few links, and some parting thoughts:

we’ll be using a variety of means to communicate how things are here.



broken body blog:

caring bridge:

my twitter updates (however much can i say with 140 characters…i’m learning) are reposted on facebook, and the 5 most recent tweets appear on the sidebar of my broken body blog. anything i post to my blog will be mentioned and linked to from the other three. the general use of each will be according to as follows:

i will tweet moment by moment updates when there are things to share, including rhythms of my heart, of the day, wanderings of my mind, and urgent prayer requests; anything that can be said succinctly. facebook will be similar, with more latitude, more of my life. my blog will be overviews and musings, exercises in writing, my means of processing the experience at hand. caring bridge will be in part jen’s way of doing the same, although it’s likely too that longer synopses – things that can’t be said with 140 characters – will stand a better chance of being seen here first, so this will be a good place to get the details, the “facts on the ground,” especially during those stretches of time in which i am unable to give them. jen will also tend to be both more straight-forward and more positive than me, so if you ever get tired of my complaining, you have options. just sayin.

so, i think that’s it for now. no, i know it is. because it’s sunday morning, and i have yet to pack. more than that, the doors are closed to my room so i can finish this, and it’s not just sunday, it’s the sabbath; a day on which we here in our home make a special effort to be present to one another, and this is the last day i’ll be present here for quite a while.

so there’s really much more i could say, but i must pray and trust that i’ll have the strength and time yet to say it, and close with this:

i woke early this morning after one of those “deep and dreamless” sleeps, naturally, but with a very sore neck. there was the pain, but there was also a deep peace, a presence, like that of a large hand in which i was being held; ‘awash in a gentle swell of shalom’ was my tweet; like i was floating on the surface of a vast sea, lifted and lowered in a rhythmic rolling of the waters.

alone, but not alone.

pain and peace.

simultaneously, i hurt, and was being held by the holy God.

our prayer is that there’ll be less pain and more peace in the months to come. the days will be hard, but perhaps they’ll not be as hard as we imagine. what i know is this: so long as we are held by the holy God, even the hard days will be holy, and if the hard days are holy, there may be peace in the pain, and if there’s peace, perhaps the pain can be borne with patience.

praying for peace, and patience, and as little pain as possible.

and so encouraged to know that you’re in this with us, praying too.

here we go.


(see addresses below)

and, if you’re able/willing, please share this post somehow. i’ve no doubt if you’ve read this far you recognize the significance of these words for us. i’ll be unable tomorrow to do much of my regular reposting, so any help circulating this update would be appreciated. thank you.

Jeremy Erickson Family Benefit Fund, 8443 2nd Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55420

*gifts given to the benefit fund are tax-deductible

Jeremy, Jen, Ade, Eli, and Jo Isaac Erickson, 8121 4th Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55420



Categories: Cancer, MDS | Tags: , , , , | 40 Comments

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40 thoughts on “Here We Go / How You Can Help

  1. Our prayers and thoughts are with you! I can’t imagine going through this. As far as a book recommendation, our church is currently studying “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman. I think you would both enjoy it.

    Also, you might consider placing a “donate” PayPal button right here on the blog – it makes it really easy for us with PayPal accounts to quickly and easily donate, and you would also have immediate access to the funds. Here is info. on that:

    God’s Blessings!

  2. Our family is praying for you, Jeremy. Your words several years ago made a huge impact on my life — you preached at our church about the beauty you saw in a green pepper. You need to know that even today, I remember you standing there, sharing your heart, and how you needed to trust in Jesus when you jumped. Thank you.
    Jen, I have not ever forgotten how you sang the Sara Groves song for me that Christmas Tea. You blessed me. And, I also remember your words regarding O Holy Night — in fact, I cannot listen to that song without remembering.
    We will pray.

  3. Karen Frank Wallerius

    I will pray for you daily as you undergo this trial. I will also have my son Jon (14) pray for your boys. My hope is that God will continue to support you and Jen. That God will bring many moments of calm and painlessness. I especially pray for the skill and care of the doctors and nurses who will be treating you. God bless you and your loved ones.

  4. Linda Kleppe

    Jeremy and Jen,
    We lift you up to the Lord. The Lord has laid you on my heart and in my prayers and I promise to be a faithful prayer warrior. I will keep in touch with Jenny Wiechmasn as to other ways I/We can help. God Speed!

  5. Brian Norby


    I am Brian Norby. You have met me at my church, Living hope. We have many mutual friends such as Josh and Amy, Ben and Dre, Bob and Naomi, Nathan and Julie… I just want you to know that you inspire me in HUGE ways. I see Jesus in you. I see a man who has copious amounts of courage that I only hope I can muster up some day. I see inner peace. I see compassion that is unmatched. I see honor, integrity, and character that you would expect from someone who leads the free world. I praise God that they can not and will not be able to remove any of this from your body because these attributes I mention are from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe the impact you have on all of us is just as He wishes because you are in His will doing His work. Thank You Jeremy for showing me what a true man of God is like. I love you and will pray for you every time He lays you on my heart, which I suspect will be often.

  6. Hey Jeremy

    As always with big updates, it has been promptly shared with the IVCF group on FB and emailed out to the random souls who have not yet joined the rest of the world. thanks to both you and Jenny for sharing. You’re all in my prayers each and every day.


  7. Carmen Przekwas

    My dear Jeremy and Jen, we continue to pray for you and your family. Know there is a lot of love, concern and prayers being sent to all of you from northern Minnesota.

  8. We just prayed for “Aedan’s dad” before bed.

    Tomorrow’s prayer: SHOW YOUR POWER, O LORD!

  9. Joel


  10. c

    Thanks for writing. You and your family are in my prayers.

  11. Alicia

    Thank you so much for sharing this journey so we can pray for you. I’ve long enjoyed your music and met you a few times. I don’t think you know me, and that is why I am extra glad you are able to share your journey with many through this venue. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Rachel


    Were it up to me, and a choice that was mine to make, I would trade places with you.

  13. Becky

    I don’t know you — I just found this link through a friend — but I prayed for you just now and will continue to pray for you as I think of it. I believe our God is a healer and that the price for your healing and restoration (and for your family’s strength) was paid for by Jesus on the cross. This verse comes to mind at the moment: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened….”

  14. Mark

    His blood is strong and yours will be too. Praying daily.

  15. John and Julie Goos

    We are praying for you and your family. Especially for peace, despite the pain. He has a plan. He loves you so. He will make a way.

  16. Rachel Gregerson Plocher

    Jeremy & Jen,
    It’s been many years since I’ve seen you Jeremy, so I’m not sure if you remember me, but I just want you to know that you’ll be in my prayers throughout the days to come. We will also keep Ade, Eli, & Jo Isaac in our evening prayers with our children. May God strengthen & bless each and every one of you.

  17. Arden Egan

    our family will be praying for you. Arden and Dottie Egan.

  18. Roger and Karen Haugen

    We are praying for you as your trust yourself and your family under God’s protection for this next phase of your life. May God be at your side every step of this journey. God Bless you and your family.

  19. Emily nash

    Jeremy and Jen,

    Nate and I are praying for u and ur family! God bless u and give u strength and peace!

  20. Kristina

    Your words are so poignant, and yet, so eloquent. Your heart is so open. I only wish there was something I could do or say to make it seem even the tiniest bit better. All I can say is this, I will be praying for you as you are on this journey. But more importantly this passage,i do not know the reference, but it is as follows “He whose mind is stayed on Him, He will keep in perfect peace. ” perfect peace. Perfect. What a word to reflect on. Without fault. an attribute only given to God, can now be given to us. by grace, through faith. How amazing. How gracious. He who is faithful to start a good work will be faithful to complete it. May the riches of His glory and abundance be seen in your life. May His Holy Spirit hover over you and in you as you are being made new. Blessings, peace, love, and much grace be given to you.


  21. Brenda (Espe) Acker

    I just read this entire blog out loud to my mom, Linda…….I got to the part about praying for your boys…and I stopped, i could not go on for several seconds, the tears began, and they continue. I KNOW that you will be healed jeremy! I know that you will get through this and the glory of the Lord will prevail through you….because you still have a lot left to do……He has a greater plan and you are so needed….because you are a beloved faithful servant…..and he honors you as you honor him. I will continue to pray….and starting tonight….My autistic son Levi (15) and my daughter Jayden (14) will be uplifting your boys in prayer as well!! “You are strength in my weakness, you are the refuge I seek……you are everything I need…..Jesus carry me!!”

  22. Tim Fugleberg

    Hey neighbor,
    Just wanted you to know we’re praying. I listened to your song “to entertain” the other day. You certainly have done more than simply entertain. You have and continue to be an inspiration through your music and your life. I’ve always looked up to you.

  23. Donna and Jeff Dahl

    Jeremy, and Jen and boys, we are praying for you, God’s strength, God’s peace and that God’s perfect will shall be your guide day and night through these next few months. We love you all! Donna & Jeff, Blake, Lauren and Bethany Dahl

  24. Pat Motschenbacher

    Just want you to know that God has put you on my heart more than once today. You and your family have been prayed for by my whole family. We have been praying for quite some time now and we will continue to pray faithfully for you and your family.

  25. Erin Rice

    Jeremy and family,
    From one former Ross/ Roseau-an to another, you are in my prayers. I sat down at my keyboard tonight and asked that the Lord would give me songs to sing over you guys. It was so precious, they were ‘Your Great Name’ by Natalie Grant and ‘You Are For Me’ by Kari Jobe. I hope you’re able to pull them up on youtube and listen to them. I don’t think we’ve ever met, but I know who your family is…and after tonight I know how precious you are to the King of Kings 🙂 Through Him all things are possible!! Believing with you for a good report and speedy recovery. Much love from SouthDakota. – Erin Rice

  26. Laurie

    I read this through a friends post, so glad I did. I will be praying and checking to see how the transplant is going. Thank you for sharing your heart and life in such a vulnerable way. Our family has been down this road with my nephew, so very hard. Praying for all involved!

  27. Patti

    Jeremy-I pray for peace and blessings for you and your family. I know God will be holding you in His hand. Rest and draw upon His strength. We will continue to pray for all of you.

  28. adam

    Praying for you and your family. I’m a stranger to you guys but.. we have Christ in common.

  29. Pastor Mark Antal

    Jeremy, Praying for you and your family.

  30. Patti

    Jeremy and family-Just wanted to let you know that we lifted all of you up tonite at our women’s bible study. Many of us remember taking our kids to youth events to hear you and are saddened to hear of your struggle. Be strong in the Lord-He will never leave you. We will continue to wrap you in our prayers and continue to pray for better tomorrows. God’s peace to all of you.

  31. Jane Opdahl

    Hello Jeremy and Jen, Wow, reading your words is an incredible experience! You don’t know us but my husband, LeRoy, went to school with your dad and we have visited with him and your mom every year at the Roseau fair (we have the mini donut stand). Please know that we are praying for you and your family. You both have an amazing ability to write and share. May the Lord continue to use you for many years to come as you share your experience of complete healing!!!!! May God’s purposes be done in your lives and the lives of your children. Bless you, Jane Opdahl

  32. Vince and Julie Ganion, et al

    The Ganion gang will be praying for all of you. Jen, you know where to reach me if you need me!

  33. Jeremy and family. You probably don’t know me but I am an old neighbor of your grandparents, Selvin and Alda, and of course know your parents. I’ve been so impressed with your relationship with the Lord and your transparency in sharing. We just want you all to know your faith has been a blessing and an encouragement to ua and many ,many people and we are remembering you in prayer everyday. God is still on the throne!!It is our hope that you experience as little pain as possible and also that you experience His Grace during your time of recovery too.

  34. Rita

    Thinking and praying for you and your family daily!

  35. Amy and Oggie Murillo

    Sending many prayers up to heaven and many hugs to you and your family. You are so fondly remembered in my heart Jeremy. Many blessings to you all-
    Amy Murillo

  36. Valerie

    Jeremy, you may not remember me, but we met at FLY many years ago (I work with Paul and Steve in the longhouse). Anyway, know that I’ve been keeping tabs on you!! You are in my thoughts and prayers a lot recently. Praying for you and your family! Looking forward to more of your music in the future.

  37. Becky (Christenson) Hancock

    Jeremy, my heart aches for you and your family in your pain. I am crying out to our God, our Hope for you. Isaiah 49:13-16 and Isaiah 51:1-3. Our Savior is the One who comforts the “storm-tossed and afflicted.” Our family recently visited the valley of the shadow of death for the first time and Deut. 1:31 has become more precious as we have experienced the Lord’s Fatherly care, “The LORD your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf, just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place.” May you rest in Him as He carries you through, knowing He is carrying you HOME.

  38. Barb Gustafson

    Praying for you in Mesa, Arizona. May God grant strength for each day (hour,minute).

  39. Liz

    I am amazed by our God–how He has sustained and strengthened you and your family thus far and how He is going to continue to do so–to God be all the glory!!
    I am also amazed at how he uses any of us, weak and wounded sinners, for His glory–He has used you, is using you, and will use you in amazing ways, brother!
    Anyway, I read this post a while back–before you went into the hospital–and I have been wracking my brain, trying to come up with some encouraging music for you, since, aside from prayer, that’s all I’m able to do at this time, and tonight I had a thought 🙂 Have you heard of the band Page CXVI or the band The Autumn Film? Actually, the same people make up both bands…but anyway, they are always very encouraging to listen to–it’s not jazz, but as a jazz-lover, I would still recommend them 🙂 Page CXVI has released 4 albums of hymns, with more modern sounds–they actually remind me a little bit of some of your stuff (probably why I like them so much!) and The Autumn Film albums are…self-composed? If you’re still looking for music and don’t have any songs from these bands, check them out: and
    Here at AFLBS we’re continuing to pray for you and your family–May the Lord continue to bless and keep the Erickson family.

  40. Michele fisher

    Sending prayers to you! Keep fighting! Your neighbor troy is my brother, I have never met you but have heard about you and your family over the years. Fight hard for you and your family. It cant be easy and that is not fair but please fight through the pain. Dear god, please help him fight this battle.

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